EVLT re-vegetates flood-damaged properties
Estes Valley Land Trust (EVLT) is pleased to announce the receipt of a $35,000 grant from the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado. The purpose of these funds is to assist with flood recovery, specifically re-vegetation and erosion control this spring through early fall.
Funds from this grant are being used by EVLT to purchase plants and seeds to assist with the restoration of vital vegetation to flood-impacted areas in the Estes Valley. Seeds have already been provided for nearly 30 acres and plans are underway for assistance to many more areas. In addition, EVLT is coordinating volunteer crews to assist with debris removal and plantings. Currently, materials provided by EVLT include erosion-control blankets, native grass seeds, willows and trees.
EVLT maintains conservation easements on over 9,500 beautiful acres in the Estes Valley. These properties are being given first priority, but re-vegetation support also will be extended to the wider community, as resources and funds are available. EVLT has plans to leverage these funds for further re-vegetation grant dollars in future years as the community rebuilds.
If your property needs re-vegetation assistance, whether or not you are a member of the EVLT family, please contact EVLT for further information on how we might assist you in your recovery efforts.
As of January, the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado has raised and awarded $1,827 million to local non-profits in Colorado to assist with flood recovery issues. EVLT finds itself in an ideal position to use its grant for restoration of some of our most significant and beautiful vistas in the Estes Valley. The grant provides yet another opportunity to fulfill our mission, “…to preserve and protect open space, streams, and wildlife habitat throughout the Estes Valley.”
Monumental tasks are still ahead, and the funds from this grant are just part of the effort. If you are interested in volunteering with EVLT as we help restore properties across the Estes Valley, please visit the EVLT website at www.evlandtrust.organd use the contact form. You can also email evlt@evlandtrust.org or call the office at (970) 577-6837. “Like” us on Facebook to receive the most up-to-date information at https://www.facebook.com/estesvlt .